
Digitizing Building Management with Fix GmbH

FIX Gebäudesicherheit + Service GmbH offers technical building support in all trades. However, the company is not an industrial service provider or cleaner, but focuses on the technology within a building. It is serviced, maintained, repaired and modernized. Currently, FIX GmbH already has seven locations in Austria and has also been active in Zurich, Switzerland and Aschheim near Munich since the beginning of 2021. The company is part of the Peneder Group, which consists of approx. 450 employees, 93 of whom work operationally at FIX Gebäudesicherheit.

Workheld & SAP: integration process

Die Softwarelösungen SAP ERP und Workheld ergänzen sich perfekt in der Industriebranche. Mit der Softwarelösung SAP ERP können Sie Ihre Aufträge erzeugen und verwalten, jedoch wirkt die Aufbereitung dieser für Techniker und Meister meist sehr komplex und die Software ist nur für Kenner gut zu handhaben. Durch den zusätzlichen Einsatz von Workheld bekommen Sie das Beste beider Softwarelösungen: die Power von SAP und die Benutzeroberfläche von Workheld!

The key figures for the technical field service

Digitalization has increased the measurability of machine use and operational processes in industrial companies. The use of IoT technologies has made predictive maintenance possible, and…

Your FSM guide for excellent service

In the age of Industry 4.0, many companies have focused on networking machines and automating process flows. The human factor has sometimes receded into the…

Safety in maintenance through real multitasking

Our health is our greatest asset - with Workheld and the integrated voice assistant you can ensure the safety of your technicians in the field. In addition, real multitasking and efficient order execution throughout the entire maintenance process is possible.